
Recording Artists and

Session Musicians

Our members are entitled to an equitable remuneration or fair payment every time their sound recordings are played in public or broadcast in Malaysia.


Who Can Join?

You are eligible for membership if:

  • You are the featured artist or session musician on at least one (1) commercially  released sound recording;
  • You are a Malaysian citizen or have the Permanent Resident (PR)  status in Malaysia;  OR  you are not a Malaysian citizen or PR, but your performances have a historical and cultural connection to Malaysia.


Membership Registrations

Register your Membership ONLINE here

Do you require assistance?

Please contact us at 03-6411 8336


Governing Documents

For more understanding view our Membership Guidelines

For more understanding how royalties are distributed to members view our Distribution Policy

For sound recording verification

**the available options include submitting the album inlay with full musician credits, the official music video with full musician credits, or the Confirmation of Recording form (CRF)


Top 5 Questions

No, RPM collects for their members only. Eligible performers must agree to our terms and mandate before we can manage their royalty collection on their behalf.

You can only get your royalty starting from the year you joined onwards. So please look forward to the following distribution year.

We collect music licensing fees from premises or users who play music in public for business reasons and local radios broadcasting music to the masses. Our members are entitled to what is called “equitable remuneration” under Section 16B of the Malaysian Copyright Act 1987.

We calculate how much royalty a recording is entitled to based on usage reports. The reports detail how long a particular recording has been played in seconds for a specific year. So the more your song is played, the more royalty you’ll earn.


You are eligible for membership if:

i) You are the featured artist or session musician on at least one (1) commercially released sound recording;
ii) You are a Malaysian citizen or have the Permanent Resident (PR) status in Malaysia; OR you are not a Malaysian citizen or PR, but your performances have a historical and cultural connection to Malaysia;
iii) The RPM Board of Directors approve your application.

If commercial songs you’ve performed in are being played in public, whether as a recording artist or session musician, you are entitled to receive royalties for the usage of those recordings. By registering as an RPM member, you can get the portion of the royalty according to the year you signed the mandate allowing us to collect on your behalf.

Under Section 16B of the Malaysian Copyright Act 1987, performers are entitled to “equitable remuneration” or fair payment where the sound recordings they have performed in are played in public or broadcast in Malaysia. The commercial user of the sound recordings has to pay RPM’s performer members via RPM’s authorized agent Enexcon Sdn Bhd.

A featured performer is a recording artist who is the leading performer in a sound recording released commercially to the public. A recording artist is usually in contract with a record label and can be an individual, a band, or a vocal group.

A non-featured performer is a session musician hired to make a supporting musical contribution by performing in a recording session. Session musicians receive a one-time fee for their service. They can be instrumentalists (guitarists, drummers, saxophonists, etc.) or backup singers.

Register yourself as a member for free by filling in our online application form.

No. Membership is on an individual basis. Each performer has an individual right and must register separately. Therefore, if you team up with other individuals as a band or group, they will also need to apply for membership.

Royalty Distribution

You can only get your royalty starting from the year you joined onwards. So please look forward to the following distribution year.

We collect music licensing fees from premises or users who play music in public for business reasons and local radios broadcasting music to the masses. Our members are entitled to what is called “equitable remuneration” under Section 16B of the Malaysian Copyright Act 1987.

We calculate how much royalty a recording is entitled to based on usage reports. The reports detail how long a particular recording has been played in seconds for a specific year. So the more your song is played, the more royalty you’ll earn.

The featured performer is entitled to 65% of the total royalty allocation for a recording, while the remaining 35% is divided equally among all the non-featured performers. If there are more than one featured performer or the featured performer is a band or group, the featured performer’s share is divided among them. If there are no non-featured performer in that recording, the portion for the featured performer would be 100%.

Recording Claims

Since we distribute the royalty based on usage and airplay, it is important for us to have all of the information regarding your participation in any commercially released recording. It is easy to identify the featured performer to a recording because the song title comes with the artist name. However, it’s different thing if you are a non-featured performer. We cannot determine exactly which session musician performed in a recording because the information is not required to be included in the details of the release. Hence, non-featured performer must actively submit their claims for each of the recording they participated in in order to collect their royalty.

Currently, there are four verification methods that can prove your participation in a recording listed below:
i) Web Link (Official music video on Youtube, Record label or artist official website, Spotify, News)
ii) Supporting Document (Contract, receipts, album inlay, etc. in pdf format)
iii) Confirmation of Recording Form (CRF’s)

You will not receive your royalty until your claim has been verified.


We’re happy to provide you the answers you need. Just reach out to us at

Are the recordings you performed in still being played in public?

Join us to get your music royalty.

General Enquiries
+603 6411 8336
© 2025 Recording Performers Malaysia Berhad. All rights reserved.